Attractive, German WWI-period- (ie. 'Reichsmarine'-related) 'Ehrenmedaille der Bund Deutscher Marine Vereine für Tapferkeit im Weltkriege - 1914-18' bearing an illustration of a sailor (and U-Boot) and that is sub-titled: 'Haltet die Treue!' Attractive, German WWI-period- (ie. 'Reichsmarine'-related) 'Ehrenmedaille der Bund Deutscher Marine Vereine für Tapferkeit im Weltkriege - 1914-18' bearing an illustration of a sailor (and U-Boot) and that is sub-titled: 'Haltet die Treue!'

Attractive, German WWI-period- (ie. 'Reichsmarine'-related) 'Ehrenmedaille der Bund Deutscher Marine Vereine für Tapferkeit im Weltkriege - 1914-18' bearing an illustration of a sailor (and U-Boot) and that is sub-titled: 'Haltet die Treue!'

This is an attractive example of a bright-golden-toned- ie. 'feuervergoldetes' commemorative-medal (ie. so-called: 'Ehrenmedaille der Bund Deutscher Marine Vereine für Tapferkeit im Weltkriege - 1914 - 1918') bearing a patriotic illustration of a German sailor holding a flag on its front (and U-Boot ie. sub-marine on its back!) and that is sub-titled: 'Haltet die Treue!' and that comes in an overall very nice- (ie. clearly issued- ie. worn-), condition. The decorative medal is executed in golden-based metal (ie. I deem copper) and comes mounted onto its ring: it came without ribbon and I do not know if it ever had a ribbon attached: I could not find any reference on this piece. The medal - which originates from a German flea-marker where it was recently found - has an approximate diameter of 3,9 cms. and is very detailed and pronounced and comes in an overall very nice, albeit issued- and/or I deem minimally worn, condition. The piece also shows an artists'-name on it front that reads: 'L.Manzel' (as can be seen on the pictures). Simply an attractive example of a: 'Ehrenmedaille der Bund Deutscher Marine Vereine für Tapferkeit im Weltkriege - 1914 - 1918' that is - I deem - accordingly priced!

Code: 47372

!! STOLEN !!