Length of WH (Heeres) period- and/or linnen-based cap-piping (ie. 'Soutache') as piped in the bright-green-coloured branchcolour as was intended for usage on the various headgear by the: 'Panzer-Grenadier-Truppen' Length of WH (Heeres) period- and/or linnen-based cap-piping (ie. 'Soutache') as piped in the bright-green-coloured branchcolour as was intended for usage on the various headgear by the: 'Panzer-Grenadier-Truppen'

Length of WH (Heeres) period- and/or linnen-based cap-piping (ie. 'Soutache') as piped in the bright-green-coloured branchcolour as was intended for usage on the various headgear by the: 'Panzer-Grenadier-Truppen'

I recently uncovered a small lot comprising of fifteen (fully identical!) pieces of the WH (Heeres) period- and/or linnen-based cap-piping (ie. 'Soutache') as piped in the bright-green-coloured branchcolour as was intended for usage on the various headgear by the: 'Panzer-Grenadier-Truppen' and that come all fifteen in a 'virtually mint'- and/or never cap-attached-, condition. This typically executed 'braid' saw usage on the various (tropical- and regular-style) side-caps (ie. 'Schiffchen') and/or M41- and even sometimes M43-type field-caps (ie. 'Einheitsmützen'). It was attached in a triangular- (ie. 'V-shaped'-) format around the cocarde (ie. 'Kokarde') and was often attached by means of machine- (but also by means of hand-) stitching. The pieces of offer here are executed in the desirable bright-green-coloured branchcolour and were as such intended for usage by the soldiers who served within the: 'Panzer-Grenadier-Truppen' (or: infantry-related- so-called: 'rifle-regiments'). The pieces - which are actually hard to come by! - come in an overall very nice (IMO virtually 'mint- ie. unissued'- and/or never cap-attached), condition. The pieces originate from the left-overs of an old tailor-shop and shows some minimal age ie. staining simply caused by decades of storage only (see pictures). My asking-price is naturally intended per single piece measuring approximately 14 cms. (being a length that is largely sufficient to restore any piece of headgear). Simply a nice occasion to acquire a neat replacement 'Soutache'-stripe as was intended for the: 'Panzer-Grenadier-Truppen'!

Code: 46535

!! STOLEN !!