Welcome to Hiscoll Military Antiques
For more than three decades I have been collecting quality, original, military items and I thought it a proper moment to expand my hobby by using this website. Here you will find a good range of military items of which the originality is 100% guaranteed. I have chosen NOT to show any forbidden symbols on the article photos: you are most welcome to ask me for any additional non-altered pictures.
I strive to offer quality, original items only, of which some originate from my own collection. I assure you that all the artifacts on this site are original, unless stated otherwise and back this with a full money back guarantee.
I am always looking to acquire new items for my site and/or collection. Please do offer anything that you feel might be of interest; either in part exchange or for cash.
Although I am residing in Holland, I have decided to offer and describe all items in the English language only. However, I am proficient in French, German and Dutch, so please do not hesitate to contact me in one of these languages.
Correspondence ONLY via e-mail: enquiry@hiscoll.com
- no contact via telephone -

We specifically stress that this website is
historical interest only and has NO political
agenda and/or views whatsoever.